Though the eyes, visual pathways, and vision processing areas of the brain are extremely complex, the way our vision works can be boiled down to a few simple principles.

What will you find in this course?

This course consists of a series of lessons in basic optics, eye anatomy, and refractive conditions.  It will guide you to a better understand of how vision works, why some people need glasses, and how glasses are able to restore clear vision for various visual problems.

Who is this for?

This course was developed specifically for non-eye care professionals (sales associates, receptionists, pre-testers, etc.) working in optometry offices or optical shops. The goal of this course is to help them gain a better understanding of the industry that surrounds them in order to boost their confidence at work and excel at their jobs.

That being said, it’s there for anyone who feels they may benefit from it.


Lesson 1: Understanding Light

Before we study how lenses and the eyes work, we have to understand light. 

Lesson 2: Introduction to Lenses

To understand vision, we must first understand what lenses are.

Lesson 3: Lens Power

Every lens has unique properties which can be used to calculate their power.

Lesson 4: Basic Eye Anatomy

Understanding vision requires some familiarity with basic eye anatomy.

Lesson 5: Basic Eye Optics

We now have the all the knowledge necessary to understand the optics of the eye.

Lesson 6: Emmetropia & Myopia

In this lesson we learn about what goes on inside the eyes of people who are nearsighted.

Lesson 7: Hyperopia

In this lesson we learn about what goes on inside the eyes of people who are farsighted.

Lesson 8: Astigmatism

In this lesson we learn about what goes on inside the eyes of people who have astigmatism.

Lesson 9: The Crystalline Lens

You will be blown away by how cool the crystalline lens is.

Lesson 10: Presbyopia

Now that you know about accommodation, it’s time to learn what happens without it; presbyopia.