Who Can Wear Contact Lenses

Knowing Who Can Wear Contact Lenses

Can everyone wear contact lenses? No. There are definitely some people who can't wear contact lenses, but in this article, I will discuss the kinds of people who can wear contact lenses. Not only that, but there are some people for whom contact lenses are the best option for their vision, and I will go … Continue reading Knowing Who Can Wear Contact Lenses

How to disinfect contact lenses from coronavirus

How To Disinfect Contact Lenses From COVID-19 (coronavirus)

Wearing contact lenses comes with certain risks, the greatest of which is that of infection. That's why it's crucially important to make sure you know how to disinfect contact lenses properly, especially at the time of writing this article; the middle of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. First and Foremost Wash Your Hands The most common … Continue reading How To Disinfect Contact Lenses From COVID-19 (coronavirus)

Who Cannot Wear Contact Lenses

Knowing Who Can’t Wear Contact Lenses

A contact lens fitting is a multi-step process that involves many important considerations, but perhaps the most important step is the one that precedes it all; determining if your patient can or can't wear contact lenses. In this article, I will walk you through the process of determining who can't wear contact lenses & who … Continue reading Knowing Who Can’t Wear Contact Lenses

Hyperopia featured image

The Optics of Vision – Lesson 7: Hyperopia

This is lesson 7 in this course. Please review lessons 1-6 if you haven't already done so. The Optics of Vision – Lesson 1: Understanding Light The Optics of Vision – Lesson 2: Introduction to Lenses The Optics of Vision – Lesson 3: Lens Power The Optics of Vision – Lesson 4: Basic Eye Anatomy … Continue reading The Optics of Vision – Lesson 7: Hyperopia

The Optics of the Eye Lesson 6 Emmetropia and Myopia Featured Image

The Optics of Vision – Lesson 6: Emmetropia & Myopia

Congratulations, you've made it to Lesson 6 where we're finally going to start talking about glasses! This lesson will focus mostly on nearsightedness but you will also learn about much lesser known 'condition' known as emmetropia. This lesson will continue to build on everything we've learned in Lessons 1-5. So if you haven't done so … Continue reading The Optics of Vision – Lesson 6: Emmetropia & Myopia

Ray Diagram of an Emmetropic Eye

The Optics of Vision – Lesson 5: Basic Eye Optics

In Lessons 1-4, we have built up all the knowledge needed to understand the optics and mechanics of how vision works. In this Lesson, I will be putting it all together and you will see that you haven't been learning all of these things for nothing! Before you proceed with this lesson, be sure to … Continue reading The Optics of Vision – Lesson 5: Basic Eye Optics

Cross-Section View of the Eye With Ant Seg Labels

The Optics of Vision – Lesson 4: Basic Eye Anatomy

The eye is a complicated organ. It has highly specialized cells, muscles, tissues, fluids, etc. Every part of the eye plays a crucial role in producing the vision we all rely on so much in our daily lives. Luckily for you, unless you're an eye doctor, you don't have to know about the vast majority … Continue reading The Optics of Vision – Lesson 4: Basic Eye Anatomy

What is Optometry - Featured Image

What is Optometry?

Optometry Definition In a neat little sentence, you could say that: Optometry is a regulated health care profession whose practitioners are responsible for examining the eyes in order to diagnose, treat, and/or prevent disorders of the visual system. OK, boooring… right? Wrong! Sure, optometrists do all the typical things that you think they do. They … Continue reading What is Optometry?

Lens Power - Featured Image

The Optics of Vision – Lesson 3: Lens Power

Now that we understand light and lenses, we will be learning about how to quantify the effect that lenses have on light. This is the concept of lens power and it will put us well on our way to understand vision and glasses work. To understand the concepts covered in this lesson, it is best to … Continue reading The Optics of Vision – Lesson 3: Lens Power

Introduction To Lenses - Featured Image

The Optics of Vision – Lesson 2: Introduction to Lenses

In this lesson, we will be learning about what lenses are and how they affect the path of light rays. Understanding lenses will be crucial in understanding how the eyes produce vision as well as how glasses work. To understand the concepts covered in this lesson, it is best to have read: ==> The Optics of … Continue reading The Optics of Vision – Lesson 2: Introduction to Lenses