Sources of Free Continuing Education for Optometrists - featured

Sources of Free Continuing Education For Optometrists

Bookmark this article now because it will be your one-stop shop for all the free continuing education for optometrists you can handle. Review of Optometry Review of Optometry is a fantastic resource, and not just for the free continuing education for optometrists. They've been putting out a monthly magazine since 2004 (available for free online … Continue reading Sources of Free Continuing Education For Optometrists

The Downsides and Benefits of Being An Optometrist - Featured

The Downsides & Benefits of Being an Optometrist

Being an optometrist can be a very rewarding career but it is not right for everybody. In this article I want to detail the downsides and benefits of being an optometrist to balance the overly rosy picture painted by optometry school websites and student outreach teams. I believe it is important for students to know … Continue reading The Downsides & Benefits of Being an Optometrist

Astigmatism Explained

The Optics of Vision – Lesson 8: Astigmatism

After studying this lesson, you will understand a concept that eludes the vast majority of people - Astigmatism! But before you proceed, keep in mind that this is Lesson 8 of the course and it is highly advisable that you have read lessons 1-7 before tackling this one. THE OPTICS OF VISION – LESSON 1: … Continue reading The Optics of Vision – Lesson 8: Astigmatism

Should You See An Optometrist Or Ophthalmologist

Should You See an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist?

Experiencing eye problems is worrisome enough without the added problem of not knowing what type of doctor to see. "Should I see an optometrist or ophthalmologist" - This can often be the very first question that comes to mind. In this article, I will explain when to see an optometrist and when to see an … Continue reading Should You See an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist?

What is an optometrist salary

What Is An Optometrist Salary in Canada?

An optometrist salary is a complicated thing that depends on many different factors. You cannot simply query it in Google, find a figure and roll with it. You will not get an accurate figure! No offence to Neuvoo who calculated this figure. I'm sure they have solid data, but if you really want to know … Continue reading What Is An Optometrist Salary in Canada?

Is Your Optometrist Coronavirus Ready - featured

Is Your Optometrist Coronavirus Ready?

The Coronavirus has caused all non-essential services to shut down temporarily, and optometry clinics offering routine eye exams are included in that shut-down. Eventually, however, the ban will be lifted and optometrists will be able to re-open their clinics. Unfortunately, that does not mean it'll be back to business as usual. The coronavirus will still … Continue reading Is Your Optometrist Coronavirus Ready?

How To Become An Optometrist In Canada

How To Become An Optometrist In Canada

Are you thinking of becoming an optometrist or an optician? Well, you've come to the right place! On this website, you'll find tons of resources to help you along your journey. In this article, I will be detailing how to become an optometrist in Canada. Many Paths The first thing to understand is that there … Continue reading How To Become An Optometrist In Canada

What Is On The Optometry Admission Test Featured

What Is On The Optometry Admission Test?

Knowing what is on the Optometry Admission Test (OAT) is the first step to preparing for it. This article will be an overview of the Optometry Admission Test intended to help you prepare and know what to expect. Optometry Admission Test Format The OAT entirely consists of multiple-choice questions. Questions have between 4 and 5 … Continue reading What Is On The Optometry Admission Test?

Convert a Glasses Prescription to Contact Lenses Astigmatism - featured

How To Convert A Glasses Prescription To Contact Lenses: Astigmatism

In the previous lesson: "How To Convert A Glasses Prescription to Contact Lenses", I covered only situations that did not involve any astigmatism correction. In this lesson, I will only be discussing how to convert a glasses prescription to contact lenses when there is astigmatism to deal with. Before I get into it I just … Continue reading How To Convert A Glasses Prescription To Contact Lenses: Astigmatism

How To Convert A Glasses Prescription To Contact Lenses - featured

How To Convert A Glasses Prescription To Contact Lenses

Now that you know who can or can't wear contact lenses, it's time to get the contact lens fitting started. The first step is to determine the power of contact lenses needed for your patient. To do this so it is crucial to know how to convert a glasses prescription to contact lenses. Is A … Continue reading How To Convert A Glasses Prescription To Contact Lenses