The Downsides and Benefits of Being An Optometrist - Featured

The Downsides & Benefits of Being an Optometrist

Being an optometrist can be a very rewarding career but it is not right for everybody. In this article I want to detail the downsides and benefits of being an optometrist to balance the overly rosy picture painted by optometry school websites and student outreach teams. I believe it is important for students to know … Continue reading The Downsides & Benefits of Being an Optometrist

What is an optometrist salary

What Is An Optometrist Salary in Canada?

An optometrist salary is a complicated thing that depends on many different factors. You cannot simply query it in Google, find a figure and roll with it. You will not get an accurate figure! No offence to Neuvoo who calculated this figure. I'm sure they have solid data, but if you really want to know … Continue reading What Is An Optometrist Salary in Canada?